Good Afternoon, this is a great book its an adventure thriller. I do not know of anyone else that writes book like Matthew does. You open the book and you don't want to put it down until the last page ends. This one is the best one I have read since The Seven Ancient Wonders which is the first book of this what turns out to be trilogy. In this one you travel all over the world trying to save the planet from some ancient curse. Stonehenge Abu Sinbal and lots more places of great historic significance. I did not know when I started this book that it was only going to be one third of the story but it turns out that there are three books in this series. It's a great summer read I read most of it in the sunshine sitting in the garden and parts when I was kept awake by the famous knee. If I have tempted you to read these books please I implore you read them in order The Seven Ancient Wonders first as you really need to know what happens there to make sense of it all.Don't know what I will read next quite exhausted after this one. Love Joan.
I am a bit behind with this entry I think that I have even missed out a book but don't think anyone will notice as there are few readers and I am thinking of stopping this particular journal. However on with this one this was a great story it is the second one I have read of this author and another of the Alan Banks books. Another great thriller with all hes usual twists and turns. Now I have been really clever and I have managed to get a hold of the very first Banks story so I will start that in a few days whenever I finish the adventure story I am reading at the moment. If you like a good mystery thrillers Peter Robinson is the author for you. With this great weather books in the garden are just the job for me. Till next time Love Joan.
Good Evening, I have probably been very slow in discovering this author, but I am so glad I have he is brilliant. Alan Banks is the name of his detective and he is a great character just love him. The book above is the 18th in the series but as usual I read everything the wrong way round but it does not really matter that much as the thrillers are complete. So that means I have 17 more to read and as my old friend says I hope I live long enough to read them all. I was saying to Stuart who was the one who discovered Peter Robinson if the drama makers are looking for a new detective series now that they have stopped making Wire in the Blood he would be a great substitute. I have the feeling Jan (Serendipity) mentioned him a while ago must have forgotten sorry Jan. This is a 9/10 book for me.
This is a great story the usual small chapters but it is non stop action. I am starting to like these books that don't have Cross in them I was finding they were all the same type of story and I got a bit bored with them . This book was a refreshing change different characters and places. It is an ideal book for reading in the garden or on a trip. Its easy reading just what you need in the summer. Think this one deserves 7/10. Till next time. Love
Wow what a great story. I am a great fan of Jeffrey Archer not the person but what he writes. I thought this was one of best lately. I have read it very quickly I just could not put it down. I love the main character he was great and very believable the story just sweeps you along. It is the best book I have read in ages. I was chatting to a lady I know about books and I told her what I was reading and she said she would not read any of his books because of who he was. I would not deprive myself of such good stories because I do not like the person who wrote them. As I get most of my books from our local hospice charity shop he does not gain any money from me, so it's not so bad that way. If you get the chance read this one it's fabulous. Till next time which will not be long as I have just started a James Patterson/Andrew Gross book and you know how quickly you get through them. Love
This is a new author for me a friend brought me this book while I was ill and by luck it was just my kind of read. The guy co-authors many books with James Patterson, this is his first solo flight. I really enjoyed this book it is about witness protection (the blue zone) something I had not read about before so it made a refreshing change of subject. I was told it was unputdownable and that was true it was great,and moved along at a fast pace. I read most of it sitting outside last weekend while we had some warm sunshine, pity winter returned with a cold easterly wind all the past week so no more reading in the sun as yet. I did read a few books in bed mostly rubbish which I will not bore you with but they were easy reading when my concentration was not at its best. If you get the chance try Andrew Gross sure you will enjoy this one. Till next time I hope we get some sun to read by. Love Joan.
This the second of Simon /Beckett's books I have read and this is his first publication as usual I have read them them wrong way round but it did not matter too much. The book takes place in a village in Norfolk which as you know is one on my favourite places. The story is the start of Dr David Hunter stories he is a good character and it is a fast paced book with lots of twists and turns. In places it is very graphic even a bit gory at times but it is a good book and I would recommend it to anybody who likes a good thriller. I notice Simon has a new book just out with the same character in the lead. Will give Chemistry of Death 7/10. till next time Love Joan.
Hi, I'm Joan I live in Scotland with my hubby of 48 years. We are both retired and enjoying life to the full well nearly. We are always out and about doing this and that. We love the countryside and do a bit of birdwatching and even twitch from time to time. We also visit art galleries and hubby does a bit of watercolour painting. Me I read a lot mainly thillers. I have been been keeping a journal for over five years over on AOL but we are being thrown out so this is my new home.