Good Evening, have now finished my book, I wanted to get it done as I said in my main blog as I want to start something new tonight in bed. I was given this book by a friend. This is unusual for me I usually choose my own books. I had seen this book in Waterstone's and noticed it was the winner of Richard and Judy's Summer reads. I really enjoyed this book. It was a great story and had you wondering for most of the story is it a mystery is it a thriller or is it a science fiction. I am not going to say which one it turns out to be as it would spoil it for you and you should read this lovely book. The characters are well written and very believable. The story starts right on page one and keeps the pace up all the way through. I don't suppose I would have read this book if it had not been for my friend giving it to me. I would recommend this book and give it ****
Till next time Love Joan.